The human brain is the most complex object in the universe.
It is also the organ that consumes by far the most energy, compared to its weight.
The brain is only about 2% of our body weight, but uses 20% of the energy.
This remarkable organ has evolved over millions of years. During this time, humans were omnivores. We ate both meat and plants.
There are many nutrients in these foods that are absolutely critical for the proper function of this very delicate system.
Unless proper care is taken to supplement, going vegan and eschewing animal foods may lead to a deficiency in some of these important substances.
Here are 5 nutrients that are very important for the brain and only found in animal foods.
The brain is only about 2% of our body weight, but uses 20% of the energy.
This remarkable organ has evolved over millions of years. During this time, humans were omnivores. We ate both meat and plants.
Unless proper care is taken to supplement, going vegan and eschewing animal foods may lead to a deficiency in some of these important substances.
Here are 5 nutrients that are very important for the brain and only found in animal foods.