Sunday, June 8, 2014

How to Treat a Middle Ear Infection

Treat a Middle Ear Infection Step 9.jpg 
Relieve pain. You will need an over the counter pain reliever like acetaminophen (eg.Tylenol) and possibly applying a warm facecloth or heating pad. If the pain is severe, your doctor might need to prescribe some special ear drops.

Clean the drainage from the ear (if any). The drainage should be thick, yellow, and foul smelling and is usually a sign that the eardrum has ruptured. The eardrum will heal in about 3 to 4 weeks on its own. Clean the outside part of the ear with a soft tipped cotton swab and remember to never stick a cotton swab deep inside an ear. 

If you believe it is severe, visit a local doctor. Doctors can help heavily with figuring out your needs when it comes to your health. Seeing a doctor will help you know how severe the infection really is.

Obtain a prescription for an antibiotic (if there is a high fever, or the ear hasn't healed in a a few months, or if there are other complications). The most common and recommended antibiotic treatment for middle ear infection is amoxicillin. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any medications and to read the warnings about amoxicillin down below. 

Add heat to the ear. Theoretically adding heat to the ear can cause the fluids in the ear to be loosened. Some possible methods are getting something like a hand warmer to put on the ear. Hair hair dryers may help too, but you would have to use them in spurts rather than in one long stream of blowing or else you will hurt the ear. 

Avoid all types of smoke. This includes smoking and second hand smoking! Smoke is known to clog up your Eustachian tubes which will only help the infection.

 Try Garlic oil. It is a very helpful home remedy, adding two drops of garlic oil inside the ear. At a store you may also be able to find two garlic oil capsules of all things. Add a cotton ball on first in order for the garlic oil to be able to flow into the Eustachian tubes. Usually the first dose works, but doing it a few times wouldn't hurt. If it doesn't here are some other strange oils and products to use however garlic oil works best in my opinion:
  • cooking oil
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • baby oil
 Prop up your head when sleeping. Doing this can cause the clogged fluids which caused the infection in the first place to flow free.

 Onion. This is probably my favorite remedy as it works well and is the most abstract in nature. Cut a few bits of onion and put them in a small glass bowl. Microwave for a minute or two then apply a few drops of the juice to the ear. Really makes you wonder who discovered this, huh?


  • Drink lots of water. The water will help your body fight the infection.
  • Remember to rest. Running or working hard will spread the ear pain.
  • Relax. Relaxing and believing that your ear will heal quickly will actually speed up the recovery and help with the discomfort.
  • Remember that swimming and allergies are common causes for ear infections. When you are having bad allergies and/or going swimming soon try taking some Zinc or Vitamin C tablets.


  • Avoid letting water go into the ear. This especially applies to activities such as swimming and taking a shower.
  • Never poke a cotton swab deep inside an ear when cleaning. This can damage the ear.
  • When taking amoxicillin, be careful as it has side affects. These include: nausea, vomiting, and easy fatigue. But beware that an allergic reaction to amoxicillin is very dangerous. starts with a change in mental state; skin rash with intense itching (often beginning in fingertips and around groin area and rapidly spreading) and sensations of fever, nausea and vomiting. You will need emergency medical attention if you have an allergic reaction.

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